WordPerfect 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3, or X4:  Formatting Features

Note:  For documents to be formatted properly, be sure the 'New Styles' box is checked in the 'Set User Preferences' dialog box by selecting Edit on the Lawgic menu and then Set Preferences.

In selected products, WordPerfect 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3 or X4 users may utilize advanced features in their WordPerfect documents such as:

Autonumbered Paragraphs

Dynamic cross-references

Dynamic Table of Contents

Custom Formatting

As paragraphs are added, deleted, or moved, WordPerfect will automatically renumber the paragraphs. Then, if a Table of Contents or cross-references are present, WordPerfect enables you to update the entire document to correctly incorporate the changes. In addition, users can make formatting changes to WordPerfect styles to automatically change the formatting of text and headings throughout the document.

Important:   The following procedure takes advantage of the autonumbering and formatting features in your word processor:

1. Once a document has been sent to your word processor from Lawgic, you will see the following message at the top of the document:

Click Tools|Macro|Play, then select LAWGIC.WCM to format this document.

2. On WordPerfect's Tools menu, point to Macro and click Play.

3. In the macro list box, double-click on the file named lawgic.wcm.  Depending on how your display is set up, you may only see the file named lawgic.  (See 'Note' below if you do not see either file).  Once you select the file, the message "Macro is processing the document" will remain on screen until the macro finishes.  This action creates a Table of Contents and adds advanced formatting features in your document.  See 'Related Topics' below.

Note:  At the time of installation, the 'lawgic.wcm' file is copied to the "wpstyles" folder in the "docs" folder under the "lawgic" folder.  The path is typically: C:\Program Files\Lawgic\docs\wpstyles\lawgic.wcm.  If you do NOT see the 'lawgic' or 'lawgic.wcm'  file in the macro list box in Step # 3 above, simply copy it from the "wpstyles" folder into the WordPerfect macro folder that opens when you click Tools/Macro/Play in WordPerfect.  This folder name may be different depending on your operating system.  Then, the next time you send a document from Lawgic to WordPerfect and click Tools/Macro/Play, you should see the 'lawgic.wcm' file in the macro list box.

4. Important:  If you subsequently add, move or delete paragraphs in your document, WordPerfect will automatically renumber the paragraphs but it will NOT automatically update the Table of Contents and any cross-references.  To do so, you must press Control and F9 on your keyboard. You will get a 'Generate' pop-up box. (Note that you can also select Tools/Reference/Generate to get the Generate pop-up box).

5. Be sure both the 'Save Subdocuments' and 'Build Hyperlinks' boxes are checked and click OK.  Your Table of Contents and cross-references will now be updated to incorporate your changes.

While you can change your WordPerfect document's formatting and/or numbering scheme by editing the WordPerfect styles file associated with the document, we only recommend this for advanced WordPerfect users. Changes you make to the styles file will automatically apply the next time you generate the document from the program and run LAWGIC.WCM. Click here to see the list of document templates by Product and Title.

Related Topics